We offer themed songwriting and music workshops to schools. Everything from anti-bullying songs, Leavers' songs, to school values and celebratory school anthems.
All of our one-day workshops are unique, presenting children with opportunities to sing, write lyrics, perform and record their ideas both individually and as a team - evaluating their progress and actively supporting the progress of their friends every step of the way.
Recorded material is then available free for children to download and schools can use the songs for presentations, assemblies, special events or for use out in the wider community.
We work across a wide range of educational settings;
Primary (KS1 and 2)
Secondary (KS3 and 4)

What a workshop looks like
School workshop
Please use this form to enquire after our songwriting-in-schools workshops. We can deliver workshops tailored to your current curriculum themes or to help you address a specific issue such as anti-bullying. Please provide as much detail about your requirements.